by Amy Marohn | Oct 18, 2022 | Hypnosis, Managing Toxic Emotions
Every week a new client enters my space with stories of childhood abuse and neglect: Empty kitchen cupboards; searching couch cushions for loose change to buy milk and bread; a single parent bringing home a succession of strange overnight guests or who stays out all...
by Amy Marohn | Sep 13, 2022 | Hypnosis, Managing Toxic Emotions, Successful Mindset
There is nothing more sobering than being forced into a relationship with oneself. And no other life event that will trigger such inner stirrings of the mind than a bad break-up. Self-doubt, fear of abandonment, social anxiety, feeling out of touch with the social...
by Amy Marohn | Jun 13, 2022 | Hypnosis, Managing Toxic Emotions, Successful Mindset
When my son was in grade school, it was not uncommon for him to share stories about a kid in his grade who teased him. He was teased about the same kinds of things kids are teased about since the beginning of time: his appearance, mannerisms, intelligence, and on and...
by Amy Marohn | Jun 7, 2022 | Energy Healing, Hypnosis, Managing Toxic Emotions
Everyone typically has at least one work horror story – a boss who doesn’t pay taxes, a company shut down overnight, a person from top management who resigns for no known reason or a coworker or client who goes out of his way to make life more difficult. But...
by Amy Marohn | May 25, 2022 | Hypnosis, Womens Relationship Expert
There are so many ways childhood trauma can rear its ugly head, which if left unattended, can make adulthood very challenging and unstable. Of course, no two people with similar traumas will have the same symptoms or patterns and the level of interference it creates...
by Amy Marohn | May 4, 2022 | Hypnosis, Womens Relationship Expert
I could understand how a wife might consider any viewing of porn by her husband disruptive to their marriage, as well as distasteful, disrespectful and in general demeaning to women. And I’m not for one moment making light of this topic; however, this topic – as...
by Amy Marohn | Apr 23, 2022 | Energy Healing, Mediumship, Paranormal Events and Topics, Spiritual Clearings of Spaces
At this point in my career, I have done my fair share of clearings (AKA: Energy Healing on Spaces). Yes, I communicate with Spirits and I’m willing to bet a great many of you also have had some encounters of your own. I sense energies or disturbances in...
by Amy Marohn | Apr 20, 2022 | Hypnosis, Uncategorized, Womens Relationship Expert
So, you’ve got a past. Dirty laundry. Unsavory moments. Things that make you uneasy. Moments that belong in the vault. Take a deep, healing, restorative breath in and out – because most people do. You’ve been dating 6+ months now. Things are moving...
by Amy Marohn | Apr 19, 2022 | Hypnosis, Managing Toxic Emotions, Womens Relationship Expert
The process of healing is both active and passive. It is comprised of actionable items or things you can control or at least influence and things you cannot. The passive part of healing is simply time, distance and the accumulation of new organic experiences stacked...
by Amy Marohn | Apr 14, 2022 | Hypnosis, Successful Mindset, Weight Loss
NO. NO. NO. I didn’t want to think it and could barely even imagine it – giving gluten the old heave-ho. It was terribly inconvenient and incredibly frustrating. Yet I just knew I needed to do this to feel better. Fast forward 12 years, the 8 pounds I...