It’s human nature to personalize other people’s behavior or reactions, particularly if your inner dialogue is askew. You may spend hours or even days trying to decode something someone said or did even if it has absolutely nothing to do with you. Intellectually, you realize it is a projection of themselves and their inner emotional terrain, but the neurotic egoic mind cannot resist the urge to personalize it. I’ve seen this very scenario play out numerous times as a trigger for self-sabotaging behaviors.

One of the best antidotes or remedies to counteract this cognitive distortion is to practice saying or thinking “This isn’t about me.” This way, even if someone is passively or overtly aggressive, you are mentally and compassionately handing this emotional turmoil back to sender as part of their growth journey.

Another mental misjudgment I witness regularly in my work is polarized thinking. Something happens – particularly around the theme of loss – and somehow everything moving forward becomes contaminated with darkness: finances (this is a HUGE one), future romantic partnerships, careers, friendships and family relationships, etc. I’ve heard client’s say, “Since I bombed my licensure exam, I may as well kiss my career options goodbye.” Or “My divorce buried me financially and destroyed any hope of enjoying my retirement.” How is it that we are so eager to relinquish all our power, dreams, happiness, and even future choices to one person or circumstance?

This is fertile ground for planting new seeds of mental wisdom. One fundamental principle I’ve long since embraced for pulling the weeds of our emotional trauma is this, “No singular event or person has the power to suck you under.” You might also keep in mind that how you choose to respond or react to an outer world event determines the length and severity of its impact. I’m not suggesting you ignore how things make you feel. I am, however, suggesting you use your feelings wisely as ammunition for creating more desirable, self-empowering future outcomes. Ask the universe what is to be learned in this moment of transition? Use the wisdom as a road map for getting you from where you are to

I leave you with these quick reminders:

  • Not everything is about you or because of you. Sometimes you are in the crossfire of someone else’s intrapsychic conflict or karmic lesson.
  • Acknowledge times when you engage in cognitive distortions and realign your thoughts with the energy of positivity, abundance, and self-compassion. What advice would your “inner parent” provide?
  • Behind every unhealthy behavior is a self-limiting belief that often hovers beneath the surface of your conscious awareness. Resolving unconscious conflicts and opening new neural pathways to the Divine self is key to overcoming challenges.
  • Everything happens for a higher purpose creating “teachable moments” and opportunities for emotional/spiritual growth. The more challenging the life circumstance, the greater the potential evolution.

I am wishing my readers deep moments of clarity and courage to move beyond the clouds of despair into a place of fearlessness, inspiration and emotional quietude. If you are wanting to do some deep self-healing work, visit my spiritual learning modules, a self-guided journey of questions and answers on various life challenges designed to connect you with the intuitive mind and facilitate inner peace. Learn more here: Self-Therapy Shop – Sensorium Hypnosis & Mediumship, LLC

What have others experienced? Click here: (1) Amy the Hypnotist – Childhood Trauma Expert – YouTube

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Amy Marohn
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