In this article, I would like tolift the curtain on a few myths abouthypnosis. Trust me, breaking free from these misconceptions isthe game-changer that turnsmy clients’ challenges into victories.
Myth #1: I’ve spent countless hours in talk therapy and my life is basically the same. Hypnosis won’t be any more effective.
Rather than being prescriptive in nature, the kind of hypnosis I practice helps clients uncover the root cause of their own problems and piece together a formula for life that frees them from old disempowering patterns. Tapping into the subconscious mind, which is a distinctive function of hypnosis, helps illuminate the things that hover beneath the surface of awareness. No amount of talk therapy can facilitate this process beyond a superficial level. This level of clarity and self-understanding not only solves the presenting issue(s), but positively influences multiple areas of a client’s life. My goal is to equip clients with the kind of deep soul wisdom that makes their path ahead lighter, peaceful, and fulfilling.
One client had this to share,“In my first session alone, I had more breakthroughs than I’ve had in over a decade of talk therapy.”
Another client posted this statement, “In as little as 5 visits, she helped me work through 50 years of self-judgement and needing approval of others.”
Myth #2: I can’t be hypnotized.
Even though anyonecan be hypnotized, the level or depth may vary depending on many factors. A seasoned hypnotist understands these nuances and can easily adapt.Keep in mind, not every issue or symptom requires a deep trance state to be resolved.
I use a more progressive, lesser-known form of hypnosis performed in a fully awakened state. After nearly a decade of experimenting with more traditional hypnosis tools, I have found – hands down – this approach works remarkably well with clients who are guarded, resistant or over-analytic. It also tends to resonate well across many cultures and religious denominations which can influence one’s comfortability exploring certain feelings, beliefs, and behaviors.
This is how one client described her experience: “She has two different rooms – one for talk therapy and one for hypnosis. The talk sessions are a brain workout!She was able to awaken dormant parts inside of me, so that I could start trusting myself and my intuition. There were definitely some major shifts happening internally, which then transferred externally to my life and others around me.”
Myth #3: Hypnosis is too expensive and doesn’t guaranty an outcome. That’s a risk I can’t afford to take.
Most people who have been trying to resolve a problem for a long-time without significant success experience burnout and lack of hope. There are many reasons and fallacies of thinking that create this feeling. One is the belief that the solution exists outside themselves. And as a result, they try a steady stream of approaches until realizing the problem continues to persist and their tank of energy and enthusiasm is now completely empty. The other reason for burn-out is the propensity to accept a prescriptive formula passively awaiting a positive outcome even though their problem has not been thoroughly investigated.
There are several safeguards I’ve put into place to avoid these conundrums. I conduct a free 30-minute consultation. This is an opportunity for me to learn more about a prospective client and the history of their problem, and to determine if the work I do is a good fit. There should also be ample opportunity for a prospective client to ask questions, seek clarification and decide if I am the right practitioner for them. If it’s a good fit, I use a combination of experience and intuitive wisdom to establish a timeline. My goal is to get my client as healthy as possible as quickly as possible without cutting any corners. Truth be told, many of my clients who have endured decades of talk-therapy decide they no longer need these services after our work is completed.
To ensure a mutually satisfying experience and to preserve the integrity of my work, I do not see every person who reaches out to me. Bottom line, the work I do either is or isn’t a good fit for us both and this decision can likely be made during a 30-minute consultation. There are no high-pressure sales tactics needed, as my work speaks to the souls of those who will most benefit.
For those who are concerned “hypnosis” may not work, now you know I use a more progressive form of hypnosis that works well for a wider spectrum of clients. It may also help you to know several other tools and interventions are layered in to teach clients how to achieve a hypnotic state and release trauma from the deepest cellular level, mentally, cognitively, and physically. This attacks the problem from different angles, equips clients with self-healing strategies, and builds emotional resiliency so stress can be managed independently long after hypnosis services end. My model of care is based on self-empowerment, as I firmly believe the most powerful healer of all is the healer within.
Myth 4: In the age of technology, social media, google and the internet, I can find group hypnosis, self-help classes and books, podcasts, pre-recorded guided meditations, hypnosis recordings for free online. I should be able to get my needs met there.
Oh, the vast world of the internet! True, you can find a million things online for every problem and symptoms under the stars. But is it all golden? Not quite and let’s think about this. Ever stumbled upon random nuggets, but in reflection, realize the impact is inconsequential or short lived? This is the case with many free resources on the internet. They are generic, impersonal, prefabricated materials that don’t offer the level of depth of analysis often needed to challenge, dismantle and replace unhealthy patterns hardwired into the brain. And for this reason, these surface level approaches won’t create sustainable changes. With my 30 years in the field of rehabilitation, health & healing, I’ve poured in wisdom that’s, rare, real, and highly customized to meet YOUR individual needs. No more diving into the black hole of endless browsing!
Now that you know all this, consider the cost of doing nothing – of assuming every effort leads you down the same fruitless path. Or even worse – trying EVERYTHING, burning yourself out and having no real-life transformations? Where has this gotten you thus far? What does life look like 5 or 10 years down the road if you continue your current path? Think about the collateral damage caused by surrendering your power to someone or something outside of yourself. Perhaps it comes down to the one thing you haven’t yet tried – believing in yourself and the healer within.
I hope this sheds some light on the power of hypnosis and my multimodality approach in creating transformative and sustainable changes.Comments like, “an incredible value for the money” and “the sessions are priceless and life changing on every level” reinforce to me that this self-healing formula is propelling my clients forward in ways they haven’t experienced in other mainstream approaches.
Interested in scheduling a free 30-minute hypnosis consultation? Click here: Sensorium Hypnosis & Mediumship, LLC (
Would you like to get your feet wet first? Visit my Self-Therapy Shop: Self-Therapy Shop – Sensorium Hypnosis & Mediumship, LLC for some spiritual learning modules, in a question-and-answer format, designed to help you align with the wisdom of the intuitive mind and facilitate self-healing. Explore topics like “Letting Go of Unhealthy Friendships” and “Redefining Your Relationship with a Challenging Parent.”
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My focus is “helping adults overcome the impact of childhood trauma.” Click here to explore how hypnosis can help you: About & Contact – Sensorium Hypnosis & Mediumship, LLC
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