News and Articles From Sensorium Hypnosis & Mediumship, LLC

Spiritual Hypnosis for Happiness: Unlocking Your Natural State of Joy

Spiritual Hypnosis for Happiness: Unlocking Your Natural State of Joy

Happiness is often misunderstood as a fleeting emotion, one that depends on external circumstances. Yet, from a spiritual perspective, happiness is not something to find, but to uncover. It is your natural state—hidden beneath layers of conditioning, false beliefs,...
Spiritual Hypnosis for Happiness: Unlocking Your Natural State of Joy

The Key Differences Between Self-Care and Emotional Care: A Journey to Inner Peace

Self-Care vs Emotional Care: Understanding the Key Differences The concepts of self-care vs emotional care are often used interchangeably, but they are not the same. Both are essential for maintaining overall well-being, but they address different aspects of health....