News and Articles From Sensorium Hypnosis & Mediumship, LLC

Caregiving for Aging Parents: A Spiritual Guide for Lightworkers

Caregiving for Aging Parents: A Spiritual Guide for Lightworkers

Caregiving for aging parents can be an emotionally layered experience, particularly when childhood trauma recovery for caregivers adds complexity to the dynamic. For high-frequency souls—those deeply attuned to spiritual growth and emotional awareness—this role can...
Childhood Trauma Hypnotherapy for Adults: A Spiritual Approach

Childhood Trauma Hypnotherapy for Adults: A Spiritual Approach

Understanding Childhood Trauma What is Childhood Trauma? Defining childhood trauma involves recognizing distressing experiences that overwhelm a child’s ability to cope. These can include: Emotional neglect Physical or emotional abuse Witnessing violence Experiencing...
Childhood Trauma Hypnotherapy for Adults: A Spiritual Approach

Overcoming Shame: A Spiritual Path to Self-Acceptance

Shame is a heavy burden, one that can silently shape our romantic partnerships, friendships, life choices, and our willingness to take risks. It is a lingering whisper of unworthiness, a shadow that follows us even long after we step into the light. For those on a...
Spiritual Hypnosis for Happiness: Unlocking Your Natural State of Joy

Spiritual Hypnosis for Happiness: Unlocking Your Natural State of Joy

Happiness is often misunderstood as a fleeting emotion, one that depends on external circumstances. Yet, from a spiritual perspective, happiness is not something to find, but to uncover. It is your natural state—hidden beneath layers of conditioning, false beliefs,...
Spiritual Hypnosis for Happiness: Unlocking Your Natural State of Joy

Subtle Self-Sabotaging Habits That Create Negative Outcomes – And How to Overcome Them

As high-frequency souls walking a spiritual path, do you intuitively sense a force blocking your evolution as a lightworker? Or obstructing the flow of abundance personally or professionally?  Most humans – and yes, even lightworkers, have subtle, inadvertent...